
A Report on the results of clinical study of Adrenal Peptide Bioregulator Clinical Characteristics Of Patients Research Methods Research results References Recommendations For Use

A Report on the results of clinical study of Adrenal Peptide Bioregulator

Experimental studies have shown that peptides have tissue-specific action on the cells of the tissues, which they were isolated from. An Adrenal Bioregulator regulates metabolic processes in the adrenal cortex cells, increases their reserve capacity by producing a beneficial effect on the adaptation processes in extreme conditions, and possesses antioxidant properties, regulating the processes of peroxidation in adrenal tissues. This allows us to assume the effectiveness of Adrenal Bioregulator administration for the restoration of the endocrine system functions in case of their disorders of various origins, including prolonged exposure to stress factors and ageing.

Age-related or stress-induced decrease in the functional activity of the adrenal gland is one of the causes of dyshormonal and maladaptive disorders (3, 4).

Pharmacological therapy of these diseases and pathological conditions includes the use of the following drugs (1, 2):

  • glucocorticoids – Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone;
  • mineralocorticoids
  • adaptogens (ginseng, extracts of Eleutherococcus, Leuzea, Rhodiola rosea, Aralia tinctures, Zamanihi, Saparal, Pantocrinum)

Clinical Characteristics Of Patients

A Clinical study of Nature’s Marvels Adrenal Bioregulator application efficiency was carried out at the Medical center of Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology during the period from April till November 2011.

The study involved 36 patients aged 37 to 62 years, including 25 men and 11 women, with chronic adrenal cortex insufficiency and conditions after prolonged exposure to occupational and psycho-emotional stress. Patients of the main group received complex treatment with adaptogens (conventional treatment) with addition of Adrenal Bioregulator by 1 capsule 2 times a day with meals for 30 days.

Control groups consisted of 26 patients with similar diseases, receiving conventional treatment with adaptogens. Patients receiving hormone therapy were excluded from the study.

Patients with chronic adrenal cortex insufficiency or exposed to occupational or psycho-emotional stress for a long time complained of general weakness, decreased appetite, headaches, sleep disturbances, increased irritability and apathy.

Research Methods

Adrenal Bioregulator treatment efficiency was assessed on the basis of dynamics of the patient complains and objective indicators. For this purpose a general clinical study of blood and urine and biochemical blood test were carried out. Radioimmunological methods were used to determine the content of hormones (cortisol, insulin) in the blood serum. The content of adrenaline and aldosterone in blood plasma, the level of excretion of 17-ketosteroids in urine were determined using various biochemical methods.

Research results
It was found that Adrenal Bioregulator administration contributed to the improvement of the general condition of patients in the group under study. Patients reported an increase in physical and mental performance, improved mood and sleep.

Table 1

While taking Adrenal Bioregulator, patients with chronic adrenal cortex insufficiency manifested restoration of the metabolic activity of the reticular adrenal zone, accompanied by an increase in the production of aldosterone and 17-ketosteroids, the content of which increased to the average values of the normal range (Tab. 1).

Table 2

Administration of Nature’s Marvels Adrenal Bioregulator in persons subjected to prolonged exposure to professional or psycho-emotional stress contributed to the stabilization of the hormonal status, which indicated the leveling of maladjustment disorders and catabolic reactions (Tab. 2). The content of cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) before the treatment bordered the lower limit of the normal range, which indicated the depletion of the adrenal cortex reserves. After complex treatment with an Adrenal Bioregulator, the level of cortisol and ATKG in blood plasma returned to normal. These changes correlated with improvements in subjective scores.

No side effects, complications and drug dependence were revealed in the process of Adrenal Bioregulator administration.


Belousov Y.B., Moiseev V.S., Lepakhin V.K. Clinical pharmacology and pharmacotherapy: Manual for doctors. – М.: Universum, 1993. – 398 pages.
Mashkovsky M.D. Medicines: Pharmacotherapy manual for healthcare professionals: 2 parts – Vilnus: ZAO “Gamta”, 1993.
Geriatrics manual / Edited by D.F. Chebotarev, N.B. Mankovsky. – М.: Medicine, 1982. – 544 pages.
Tepperman J., Tepperman H. Metabolic and endocrine physiology an introductory text: Translated from English. – М.: Mir, 1989. – 656 pages.

Recommendations For Use

Clinical study revealed the effectiveness of Adrenal Bioregulator in the complex treatment of patients with adrenal cortex dysfunction and prolonged exposure to professional or psycho-emotional stress.  The Adrenal Bioregulator restored the functions of the endocrine system after diseases of various origins, after exposure to extreme environmental factors, malnutrition and ageing.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breast feeding.

Administration of Adrenal Bioregulators has not resulted in any side effects.