Report on the results of clinical study of Ovary peptide bioregulator
Biologically active food additive the Ovary peptide bioregulator contains a complex of low-molecular peptides with molecular weight up to 5000 Da, isolated from ovarian tissues of young animals – calves up to 12 month of age or pigs.
The Ovary peptide bioregulator is manufactured in the form of capsules with active substance content 10 mg.
Experimental studies have shown that peptides have tissue-specific action on the cells of the tissues, which they were isolated from. The Ovary peptide bioregulator regulates metabolism processes in the ovarian cells, improve their safety margin, have a favorable effect on organism adaptive capabilities in extreme conditions, have antioxidant properties, regulate peroxidation processes in the ovarian tissues. Thus it can be expected that the Ovary peptide bioregulator is efficient for restoration of reproduction system functions at their disorders of various genesis.
Age-related or pathological changes of the ovarian function are characterized by development of complicated symptom complex with signs of neuropsychic, vasomotor and metabolic-endocrine disorders, united in a concept of “climacteric syndrome” (1, 4, 5). These disorders take place in the woman organism at the age over 45, they considerably decrease their quality of life.
Now the treatment of clinacteric syndrome and exhausted ovary syndrome is based on pharmaceutical non-hormonal and hormonal preparations, many of them have serious contraindications and side effects (2, 3):
- sympatholytics – reserpine, obsidan
- cholinolytics – Atropa belladonna L. tinctura
- antihistamines – tavegil, suprastin;
- anxiolytics – tazepam;
- vitamins В1, В6, Е;
- steroid estrogens – estradiol dipropionate, estrone, ethinylestradiol, estriol;
- gestagens (progestines) – progesterone, turinal, norcolut, premalut-nor, pregnin;
- combined estrogen-gestagen drugs – bisecurin, non-ovlon;
Clinical characteristic of the patients
Clinical study of the Ovary peptide bioregulator application efficiency was carried out at the Medical center of Saint Petersburg Institute of bioregulation and gerontology during the period from April till November 2011.
The participants of the clinical trial were 39 women at the age of 45-53 years with the climacteric syndrome diagnosis of light and moderate severity degree and 28 women at the age of 38-43 years with the exhausted ovary syndrome (early climacteric syndrome).
The patients were complaining of hot flashes in the head and upper body, which were accompanied by increased perspiration, head ache and rise of arterial pressure, heart pain, chilly sensation, tachycardia at rest, proneness to syncope, nausea, heart “freezing” feeling, dizziness, and asthenia. Psychoemotional disorders were most frequently accompanied by irritation, easy crying, anxiety, sleep disturbances, defective memory and attention, rapid fatigability, decrease in physical and mental capacity. The patients have noted an increase in the frequency of respiratory infectious diseases.
Laboratory tests of the patients have shown disorders of hormonal status, characterized by increase in follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone in the peripheral blood in patients with climacteric syndrome; thus the patients with exhausted ovary syndrome had several times increase in follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, it was accompanied by considerable decrease in estradiol amount in the peripheral blood. General clinical and biochemical blood parameters were within the age norm.
All the patients were divided into 4 groups: 2 control and 2 basic according to the diagnosis. Patients of both control groups have been taking general therapy, which did not included hormonal drugs. Patients of both groups in addition to the general therapy have been taking the Ovary peptide bioregulator – 1 capsule 2 times a day at mealtimes for 30 days.
Methods of examination
We have been evaluating complaints of the patients, carried out general clinical blood analysis, and urine analysis, biochemical blood analysis using “REFLOTRON” device (Boehringer Mannheim, Germany). Ultrasonic examination of ovaries was carried out using Ultasonic device (ALOKA, Japan). Hormonal content (FSH, LH and estradiol) in the blood serum was determined using radioimmunological method. Radioactivity of the samples was assessed using a counter “Tracor Analytic 1285” (USA-Holland).
Results of examination
It was established that application of the Ovary peptide bioregulator in patients with mild and medium severity climacteric syndrome has resulted in improvement of the general condition, which manifested itself as a decrease in the number of hot flashes, better sleep and appetite, increase in working capacity (table 1).
Table 1
Dynamics of subjective parameters in patients with climacteric syndrome
Parameter | Number of patients, % | ||
Before treatment | After treatment using general purpose medicines
(control group) |
After treatment using the Ovary peptide bioregulator (basic group) | |
Hot flashes to the head and upper body | 72,0 | 55,1* | 31,8*# |
Increased perspiration | 67,8 | 50,7* | 29,6*# |
Rapid fatigability | 68,8 | 51,3* | 31,4*# |
Reduced working capacity | 81,6 | 53,1* | 32,6*# |
Irritation | 91,8 | 54,2* | 33,3*# |
* р<0,05 – in comparison with the parameter for the patients before treatment;
# р<0,05 – in comparison with the parameter for the patients after treatment using general puprose medicines.
The laboratory study after application of the Ovary peptide bioregulator has shown reliable decrease in FSH and LH, which resulted in increase in LH/FSH index to the lower limits of the age-related physiological fluctuations (table 2).
The identified changes of hormonal status of the patients due to administration of the Ovary peptide bioregulator correlate with clinical parameters and are indicative of restoration of the adequate adaptation reaction of the ageing organism in reply to age-related decrease in ovarian function.
Table 2
Influence of the Ovary peptide bioregulator on the blood serum pituitary hormones
in patients with climacteric syndrome
Parameter | Norm | Before treatment | After treatment using general methods
(control group) |
After treatment
using the Ovary peptide bioregulator (basic group) |
FSH, (mU/ml) | 1,5-45 | 89,3±3,5 | 71,6±6,3* | 46,8±3,9*# |
LH, (mU/ml) | 2-17 | 28,1±1,9 | 25,7±2,4 | 16,4±1,4*# |
* р<0,05 – statistically significant in comparison with the parameter before treatment.
# р<0,05 – statistically significant in comparison with the parameter for the patients of control group.
In patients with exhausted ovary syndrome administration of the Ovary peptide bioregulator in addition to the general purpose therapy in 67% of cases has resulted in normalization of the menstrual cycle, has resulted in a decrease in astheno-neurotic sigs of the disease.
Table 3
Influence of the Ovary peptide bioregulator on the blood serum pituitary hormones
in patients with exhausted ovary syndrome
Parameter | Norm | Before treatment | After treatment using general methods
(control group) |
After treatment
using the Ovary peptide bioregulator (basic group) |
FSH, (mU/ml) | 1,5-45 | 114,6±7,8 | 87,2±5,4* | 56,4±2,9*# |
LH, (mU/ml) | 2-17 | 47,3±2,6 | 38,6±3,9 | 28,5±2,1*# |
Estradiol, (pmol/l) | 110-734 | 51,1±2,6 | 68,3±3,1* | 88,2±4,1*# |
* р<0,05 – significant in comparison with the parameter before treatment.
# р<0,05 – significant in comparison with the parameter for the patients of control group.
The results of laboratory tests are indicative of a tendency towards normalization of the ratio of FSH, LH and estradiol hormones (table 3).
Analysis of the data received results in a conclusion that the Ovary peptide bioregulator renders normalizing influence on the cellular metabolism in the ovarian tissues, it promotes formation and maturing of follicles, restoration of the reproductive system functions in women.
Thus the results obtained confirm therapeutic efficiency of the Ovary peptide bioregulator and expedience of its application for complex treatment of the different age patients with climacteric syndrome and exhausted ovary syndrome.
Administration of the Ovary peptide bioregulator has not resulted in any side effects, complications and drug dependence.
The Ovary peptide bioregulator can be used for treatment and prophylactic in the form of biologically active food additive together with any means of symptomatic and pathogenetic therapy, used for treatment of climacteric syndrome and exhausted ovary syndrome.
Biologically active food additive the Ovary peptide bioregulator normalizes functional activity of the ovarian cells.
The Ovary peptide bioregulator is well tolerated at oral administration, does not have any side effects and can be used as treatment-prophylactic biologically active food additive.
The Ovary peptide bioregulator is recommended for patients with climacteric syndrome and exhausted ovary syndrome, per os at mealtime 1-2 capsules 2 times a day for 30 days.
If necessary a repeated course of treatment can be carried out in 3-6 month.
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- Mashkovsky M.D. Medicines: Pharmacotherapy manual for healthcare professionals: 2 parts – Vilnus: ZAO “Gamta”, 1993.
- Geriatrics manual / Edited by D.F. Chebotarev, N.B. Mankovsky. – М.: Medicine, 1982. – 544 pages.
- Tepperman J., Tepperman H. Metabolic and endocrine physiology: Translated from English – М.: Mir, 1989. – 656 pages.
Recommendations for use
The Ovary peptide bioregulator is a complex of peptides, received from ovaries of young animals. The isolated peptides have selective effect on the ovarian cells, they normalize metabolism in the ovarian cells and regulate reproductive system functions in women.
The clinical study has helped to establish an efficiency of the Ovary peptide bioregulator for complex treatment of the patients with climacteric syndrome and exhausted ovary syndrome, for restoration of the function of reproductive system in women after diseases of various origin, at influence of extreme environmental factors, hypoalimentation, and at ageing.
Nature’s Marvels Ovary peptide bioregulators should be taken per os at mealtime 1-2 capsules 1-2 times a day. The period of administration makes 30 days. It is reasonable to have a repeated course in 4-6 month.
Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breast feeding.
Administration of the Ovary peptide bioregulator has not resulted in any side effects.
It is recommended to store in a dry dark place at the temperature from +2 up to +25ºС.
Pharmaceutical form: 20 capsules or tablets of the Ovary peptide bioregulator 10 mg each.
Period of validity – 3 years from the day of manufacturing.