
A report of the results of clinical study of the biologically active peptide bioregulator of parathyroid origin Clinical Characteristics Of Patients Research Results Conclusion References Recommendations For Use

A report of the results of clinical study of the biologically active peptide bioregulator of parathyroid origin:

Biologically active food supplement Nature’s Marvels™ Parathyroid Bioregulator contains a complex of low molecular weight peptides with a molecular weight of up to 5000 Da, isolated from the tissues of the parathyroid glands of young animals – calves under 12 months of age or pigs.

Nature’s Marvels™ Parathyroid Bioregulator is available in capsules with an active substance content of 10 mg.

Experimental studies have shown that peptides have a tissue-specific effect on the cells of those tissues from which they are isolated. Parathyroid Bioregulator peptides regulate metabolic processes in the cells of the parathyroid glands, increase their reserve capabilities while causing a beneficial effect on the adaptation processes of the body in extreme conditions. They also possess antioxidant properties and regulate the peroxidation processes in the tissues of the parathyroid glands. This allows us to assume the effectiveness of Parathyroid Bioregulator to restore the functions of bone tissue in case of injuries of various origins, especially in women over 50 years old.

Bones become thinner, less solid, and elastic with age. This is partly because after you turn 35, calcium escapes the bones more than it retains in bone tissue. This is common for everyone, but it is especially pronounced in some people and leads to osteoporosis. Among all the factors that ensure the strength of the skeleton, the ratio of calcium to magnesium is vital. When magnesium in the blood drops, the kidneys regain balance, keeping less calcium in. When the concentration of magnesium increases, the kidneys release less calcium. For this reason, the body primarily needs magnesium and vitamin B6, which contributes to the retention of magnesium in the cells.

Osteoporosis affects the entire skeleton, especially hip- bones, bones of the forearm, and vertebrae. Even a weak impact (for example, a fall in the street) can lead to a fracture. Moreover, in the case of vertebrae, compression fractures can occur even in the absence of external influence – as a result of the pressure created by the body’s own weight. This kind of damage, as well as the flattening of the cartilaginous intervertebral discs due to their loss of elasticity, is the reason that in old age, a person
starts to shrink, and his posture deteriorates.

Osteoporosis is widespread in older women: after the age of 60, one in four suffers from it. In men, it occurs four times less often. The fact is that before menopause (age-related cessation of menstruation), the strength of the bones is maintained by estrogens, and after it, their level in the body decreases.

Estrogens are antagonists (agents with the opposite effect) of the parathyroid hormone, which stimulates an increase in calcium concentration in the blood. This is due to the «washing out» of calcium from the bones. Therefore, the deficiency of female sex hormones leads to a decrease in their strength, that is, the likelihood of a fracture in elderly women increases.

To prevent osteoporosis, estrogens are prescribed, either to be taken orally or in the form of subcutaneous implants. A balanced diet rich in natural vitamins, minerals (especially calcium), and fiber, as well as regular exercise, also help maintain bone strength. The most effective prevention of osteoporosis is the inclusion of whole grains in the diet (especially bread made from unrefined wholemeal flour). The risk of developing osteoporosis increases with smoking, drinking, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Given the significant number of contraindications and side effects when using hormone therapy, it is important to continue the search for effective means that help prevent the development of osteoporosis but do not cause side effects.

Clinical Characteristics Of Patients

A clinical study of Parathyroid Bioregulator efficiency as part of the complex prevention of osteoporosis took place at the Medical Center of the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology in the period from March to December 2011.

The clinical study involved 33 women aged 47 to 56 years with a mild to moderate climacteric syndrome diagnosis, who showed a decrease in bone mineral density of more than 20% of the normal value, which indicated an increased risk of osteoporosis.

The patients were divided into 2 groups. 13 people included in the control group did not take drugs aimed at increasing bone mineral density. 20 patients in the primary group used Parathyroid Bioregulator – 2 capsules 2 times a day for 30 days. The state of the bone tissue was determined by the method of X-ray densitometry and by observing the dynamics of the decrease in bone mineral density – before the start of treatment and 3 months after the end of the course of using Parathyroid Bioregulator

Research Results

The use of Parathyroid Bioregulator in patients with an initially reduced indicator of bone mineral density (BMD) contributed to the prevention of the progression of bone tissue demineralization (table).

Dynamics of bone mineral density in patients with climacteric syndrome

Number of patients,%

Decreased BMD Initial level After 3 months.
(control group
After 3 months using Parathyroid Bioregulator 
(main group
15-20% 90,5 85,6 94,7
20-25% 9,5 14,4 5,3

As you can see from the data shown in the table, at the end of the course with Parathyroid Bioregulator, the progression of the decrease in bone mineral density in patients of the primary group slowed down. The number of patients who had a decrease in BMD of no more than 20% increased from 90.5% (initially) to 94.7% after the course of treatment, which indicates an emerging trend of inhibition of the process of bone demineralization. In the control group patients who did not take drugs aimed at inhibiting the process of bone demineralization, the number of patients with a decrease in bone mineral density of more than 20% increased from 9.5% (initially) to 14.4% after 3 months, which creates an unfavorable prognosis in terms of the development of osteoporosis.

Thus, the obtained results of the study indicate the preventive and therapeutic efficacy of Parathyroid Bioregulator and the advisability of its use in the complex treatment of patients of different ages who are at risk of developing osteoporosis.

When using Parathyroid Bioregulator, no side effects, complications, or drug dependence were observed.

Parathyroid Bioregulator can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in the form of a biologically active food supplement combined with any means of symptomatic and pathogenetic therapy used to treat osteoporosis.


Biologically active food supplement Parathyroid Bioregulator has a normalizing effect on the functional activity of bone cells.
Parathyroid Bioregulator is well tolerated when taken orally, has no side effects, and can be used as a therapeutic and prophylactic biologically active food supplement.

Parathyroid Bioregulator (Nature’s Marvels™) is recommended for the complex treatment of patients with early-stage osteoporosis, orally during meals, 1-2 capsules 2 times a day for at least 30 days.

It is recommended to repeat the course of treatment after 3-6 months.


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Recommendations For Use

Parathyroid Bioregulator (Nature’s Marvels™)  is a complex of peptides obtained from the parathyroid glands of young animals. The
extracted peptides have a selective effect on the cells of the parathyroid glands, normalize metabolism in the cells of the parathyroid glands, and regulate the functions of bone tissue, especially in
older women.

A clinical study established the effectiveness of Parathyroid Bioregulator in the prevention and complex treatment of patients with osteoporosis, including women over the age of 50.

Parathyroid Bioregulator instructions: 1-2 capsules or tablets with meals 1-2 times a day. The duration of administration is 30 days. It is advisable to repeat the course in 3-6 months.

Do not use if: you suffer from individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

There were no side effects observed when using Parathyroid Bioregulator (Nature’s Marvels™).
Store in a dry, dark place at a temperature from +2 to +25 ºС.
Release form: 20 capsules or tablets containing 10 mg of Parathyroid Bioregulator (Nature’s Marvels™).
Expiration date: 3 years from the date of manufacture