A report of the results of clinical study of the biologically active peptide bioregulator of testes origin
The biologically active food supplement Testes Bioregulator contains a complex of low molecular weight peptides with a molecular weight of up to 5,000 Da, isolated from the tissues of the testes of young animals – mature bulls.
Nature’s Marvels Testes Bioregulator is available in capsules with an active substance content of 10 mg.
Testes Bioregulator peptides regulate metabolic processes in testicular cells, increase the reserve capacity of the male reproductive system, have a beneficial effect on the adaptation processes of the body in extreme conditions, and have antioxidant properties, regulating the processes of peroxidation in testis tissues. Experimental studies have shown that peptides have a tissue-specific effect on the cells of those tissues from which they are isolated. This allows us to assume the effectiveness of the use of Testes Bioregulator to restore the functions of the male reproductive system in case of its malfunctions of various origins.
The climax is a transitional period of qualitative restructuring of the body in new age-related conditions of the dynamic interaction of organs and systems to maintain the relative stability of homeostasis. Essentially it is a physiological syndrome caused by age-related shifts in hormonal and general metabolism and, above all, age-related extinction of the function of the gonads. In men, it occurs later than in women. It proceeds less noticeably and merges with the signs of old age. Symptoms of the male physiological climax can be observed in different age groups and varying degrees of severity. Changes in the functional state of the male reproductive glands play an important role for the male body in this period. It is generally accepted that evolutionary processes primarily affect the endocrine function of the testicles.
The onset of atrophic processes in the interstitial tissue of the testicles with the involvement of granulocytes in the process can be detected already at the age of 30-40 years. At the age of 50-60 years and older, the concentration of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone, and oestradiol ratios change significantly. Changes in the hormonal background and the associated restructuring of the mental and neurohumoral components of the copulatory cycle underlie the extinction of the copulative function, which is manifested by a decrease in the frequency of sexual intercourse, a reduction in libido, and weakening of erections. In this case, the increase in pathological symptoms from the nervous, vascular and reproductive systems in men of the older age group are accompanied by pathological male climax (2, 3). Medical treatment of the climax is necessary only for those men in whom its manifestations significantly go beyond the physiological framework, leading to a disorder of critical functional systems of the body. In such cases, treatment should be comprehensive and include etiological, pathogenetic, and symptomatic components (1, 2, 3).
For the treatment of male climax, the following drugs are used:
– Hormonal drugs (methyltestosterone, testosterone propionate, sustanon-250, ambosex);
– Adaptogens (ginseng, extracts of Eleutherococcus, Leuzea, Rhodiolarosea, tinctures of aralia, zamanihi, saparal, pantocrine);
– Tranquilizers (elenium, seduxen, phenazepam, meprobamate, trioxazine);
– Antidepressants (clomipramine, melipramine);
– Vitamin therapy (vitamins B1, B6, B12);
– etc.
A clinical study of the effectiveness of Testes Bioregulator was carried out at the Medical Center of the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology in the period from May to November 2011. The clinical study involved 36 men aged 47 to 65 years with a diagnosis of male climax. Patients complained of rapid fatigue, decreased physical and mental performance, weakened memory, emotional instability, increased sweating, irritability, and surges in blood pressure. Still, most men paid particular attention to the appearance of sexual weakness.
Most of the patients did not previously seek medical help and independently took various medications that help to level pathological reactions. The patients were divided into 2 groups (Table 1). Patients in the control group (14 people) received conventional therapy, excluding hormonal drugs.
In addition to conventional therapy, patients in the primary group (22 people) received Testes Bioregulator 1 capsule 2 times a day with meals for 30 days.
Distribution of patients by groups:
Research Methods
Patients’ complaints were assessed in dynamics, and general clinical examination of blood and urine, biochemical blood study using the REFLOTRON apparatus (Boehringer Mannheim, Germany) were carried out. Using a radioimmunological method, the content of sex hormones in the blood serum was determined. The radioactivity of the samples was counted on the «Tracor Analytic 1285» counter (USA-Holland). In addition, palpation of the prostate gland, laboratory examinations of secretion and ejaculation were performed.
Research Results
The studies showed that in the examined patients, the manifestations of male climax result from predominantly hormonal changes in the body, characteristic of this age group. The severity of these manifestations in younger people is also due to various unfavorable environmental and occupational factors. An increase in blood glucose was noted in some patients, which probably indicates a “breakdown” of the insulin regulation system.
Changes in the concentration of sex hormones in the blood were characteristic (Table 2). In almost all patients, genetic changes in the prostate gland were determined by palpation.
The use of Testes Bioregulator against the background of complex treatment helped improve the general well-being of patients and increase libido.
It is imperative to note that Testes Bioregulator had a regulatory effect on the content of sex hormones in the blood (Table 2). As can be seen from the data in Table 2, before treatment, the ratio of sex hormones was disrupted in all patients, while the content of all hormones, including testosterone, was at the lower limit of the norm. The use of Testes Bioregulator led to a significant increase in the content of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) compared with the indicators both before treatment and in patients in the control group who received conventional therapy without hormonal drugs.
It is important to note that as a result of the use of Testes Bioregulator, the testosterone content in the blood of patients of the primary group significantly increased compared to the indicator before treatment. No significant increase in testosterone content was observed in the patient’s blood in the control group.
Effect of Testes Bioregulator on the content of sex hormones in the peripheral blood in patients with male climax:
As can be seen from the data in Table 2, the content of LH, FSH, and testosterone in the blood serum of patients in the control group increased compared to the indicators before treatment; however, it remained at the lower limit of the norm. In patients of the primary group, the testosterone content increased to normal values – 5.4 ± 0.12 ng/ml, which correlated with a significant improvement in well-being and the levelling of psychophysiological disorders – emotional instability, irritability, memory impairment, decreased physical and mental performance, as well as vegetative violations – increased sweating, headaches, and surges in blood pressure. All patients of the primary group who took Testes Bioregulator noted an increase in libido. Microscopic examination of the ejaculate was indicative. There was an increase in the number of sperm and their mobility, a decrease in the pathological forms of sperm, and a decrease in the number of leukocytes.
Thus, the results of this study indicate the therapeutic efficacy of Testes Bioregulator and the advisability of its use in the complex treatment of male climax. When using Testes Bioregulator, no side effects were detected, no complications and drug dependence were registered.
Testes Bioregulator can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in the form of a biologically active food supplement combined with any means of etiological, symptomatic, and pathogenetic therapy used to treat male climax.
The biologically active food additive Testes Bioregulator has a regulating effect on the functional activity of testis cells and helps to normalize reproductive function in men.
Testes Bioregulator is well tolerated when taken orally, has no side effects, and can be used as a therapeutic and prophylactic biologically active food supplement.
Testes Bioregulator is recommended for use: to patients with male climax – orally 10-15 minutes before
meals, 1 capsule 2 times a day for 30 days.
According to indications, a second course of treatment should be carried out after 3-6 months. It is advisable to recommend Testes Bioregulator for therapeutic and prophylactic use and industrial production.
1. Mashkovsky M.D., Medicines: Pharmacotherapy for doctors, manual: 2 parts. – Vilnius: ZAO “Gamta”,
2. Guide to Andrology / Ed. O. L. Tiktinsky. – L.: Medicine, 1990. — 416 p.
3. Sexopathology: A Handbook / Ed. G.S. Vasilchenko. – M.: Medicine, 1990. — 576 p
Recommendations for use
Nature’s Marvels Testes Bioregulator is a complex of peptides obtained from the testes of young animals. The isolated peptides have a selective effect on testicular cells, normalize cell metabolism, and regulate the functions of the reproductive system in men. In the clinical study, the effectiveness of Testes Bioregulator was established for the complex restoration of the functions of the reproductive system in men after diseases of various origins, in pathological conditions leading to impaired reproductive function in men, exposure to extreme environmental factors, malnutrition, as well as aging.
It is recommended to take Testes Bioregulator 1-2 capsules or tablets 1-2 times a day with meals. The duration of admission is 30 days. It is advisable to repeat the course in 4-6 months.
Do not use in case of individual intolerance to the components. No side effects have been identified when using Testes Bioregulator. Store in a dry, dark place at a temperature from +2 to +25 ºС. Release form: 20 capsules or tablets containing 10 mg of Testes Bioregulator.
Expiration date: 3 years from the date of manufacture.